Saturday, April 18, 2015

Acronym on Prayer

Luke 18:1 (2-8)
 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.


Being persistent in prayer is what Jesus is encouraging His disciples in the parable in Luke. We are to pray and keep praying until something happens. God's timing is not like ours and He wants us to seek Him in earnest prayer for ourselves as well as for those we love. How often do you give up when you are praying for someone? I know that I have not always been persistent in prayer but I do desire to change that. Matthew 7:7-8 tells me to ask, seek and knock. In the Greek, it actually translates to ask and keep asking, seek and keep seeking, and knock and keep knocking therefore I am to be persistent much like a child does when he/she wants something from his/her parent. it is not that God holds things back to be mean spirited but because He knows our hearts and He knows best when the time is right. Persistent pray also builds a dependent relationship on our heavenly Father. This is what He wants the most for us is to fully depend on Him.

So friends, be persistent in prayer believing that God will answer in His time and that He knows best.

My prayer: Dear Father in heaven help me to be persistent in prayer trusting that Your timing is best and that You will answer. You know my heart and forgive me when I fall short. In Jesus Name, I pray Amen.

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