Friday, July 24, 2015

In The Compassion of God

You Find Forgiveness & Mercy
Theses are just a few of the examples.

There are several places in the Bible that describe God as compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love. Everyday is an example of His compassion as well as a gift. God forgave King David when the King repented of his sins before God. God called many people who did not seem to fit the picture of a prophet but He showed mercy by equipping them for the task that they were called to. Yet, the greatest show of His compassion was sending Jesus to pay the price for our sins that we could not, for the wages of sin is death. He sends rain to everyone and answers the prayers of those who love Him. 

Grace is not receiving that which we deserve - punishment for our sins.

Mercy is receiving that which we do not deserve - forgiveness through the cross.

Embrace God's compassion and mercy for it is to all who believe in His son. 

Nothing on earth or in heaven can separate you from the love of God. When times are tough and the way seems too dark remember who is on your side. He will see you through it to the other side while at the same time helping you to grow and to learn to trust Him more. Believers were not promised a rose garden but a God who is closer than any friend or brother and who will provide grace and strength to the weak. Once forgiven, He remembers our sins no more. He rejoices over us with singing. 

When I look back over my almost 50 years and I see numerous times that God's compassion was there. I have lost loved ones but I am forever grateful for the times that I had spent with them. Some I have regrets for not having spent more time. If it were not for the tough times in my life I would not be where I am today. He sustained me in the valleys and brought joy on the mountaintops. God is good all the time.

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who trusts and takes refuge in Him.

My Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, I am forever thankful for Your compassion in my life. For You have sustained me many a time and have changed me from the inside out through it all. To Your glory. Amen.

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