Thursday, October 15, 2015

To Forgive or Not to Forgive...

That is the Question.
I have acrostic for this.

Others            Matthew 6:12
Grace             Ephesians 2:8-9
Virtue to         Colossians 3:13-14

I am instructed to forgive other regardless of the other person's reception. For it is about me and not them. In Matthew 6:12, I am to forgive others in order to receive forgiveness of my sins. In doing so, I receive grace, peace, and freedom because holding on to grudge is only hurting me and my relationship with God and others.

Grace is a freely given gift. I am, in turn, to share grace with others. Jesus made it all possible. I am grateful for this because on my own; I would fail.

To forgive is a virtue for every believer in Jesus. It is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. I am to forgive others as Christ first forgave me. I did not deserve it and there were no conditions to be filled before I could receive other than believing and confessing Him. He will help me work to forgive others. All need to do is ask Him to help me.

Forgiveness is not that we forget but in choosing not to pick up and mistreat/gossip about it. Matthew 18:15-17, provides instructions on how to go to someone and offer forgiveness for a wrong that has been done to you. Reconciling is a healthy and right thing to do. I heard it said in a sermon that if that person refuses after every effort has been made you are treat the person as an unbeliever and try to win them back. Reconciliation is the ultimate goal. Yet, this passage is often abused because people will quote it but rarely is it ever modeled in the church. I would like to see it modeled in a sermon via a skit.

Max Lucado put it this way; when I forgive, it sets the prisoner free and that prisoner is me. I can honestly say that I am free!

I choose to forgive. Is there someone that you need to forgive?

My Prayer: Dear God, forgive me as I forgive others. Remind me that holding on to a grudge only hurts me more than the other person. Cause me to embrace Your forgiveness that I may, in turn, forgive those who have hurt me and offer amends to those I have hurt. Amen.

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